COMPANY NAME : Infosys technologies ltd
DATE OF TEST : 6 th July 2003
PLACE OF TEST: Hyderabad
MODE : Off-campus
Question # 1
A person travels in a car with uniform speed. He observes the milestone,
which has 2 digits. After one hour he observes another milestone with
same digits reversed. After another hour he observes another milestone
with same 2 digits separated by 0. Find the speed of the car?
Ans : 45
Question # 2
Three persons A, B &C went for a robbery in different directions and
they theft one horse, one mule and one camel. They were caught by
the police and when interrogated gave the following statements
A: B has stolen the horse
B: I didn't rob anything.
C: both A & B are false and B has stolen the mule.
The person who has stolen the horse always tell the truth and
The person who has stolen the camel always tell the lie.
Find who has stolen which animal?
A- camel
B- mule
C- horse
Question # 3
One quarter of the time till now from midnight and half of the time
remaining from now up to midnight adds to the present time.
What is the present time?
Ans: 9:36AM
Question # 4
After world war II three departments did as follows
First department gave some tanks to 2nd &3rd departments equal to
the number they are having.
Then 2nd department gave some tanks to 1st & 3rd departments equal to
the number they are having.
Then 3rd department gave some tanks to 2nd &1st departments equal to
the number they are having.
Then each department has 24 tanks.
Find the initial number of tanks of each department?
Ans ;
Question # 5
A, B, C, D&E are having their birthdays on consecutive days of the week
not necessarily in the same order.
A 's birthday comes before G's as many days as B's birthday comes after E's.
D is older than E by 2 days.
This time G's birthday came on Wednesday.
Then find the day of each of their birthdays?
Birthday of D on SUNDAY
Birthday of B on MONDAY
Birthday of E on TUESDAY
Birthday of G on WEDNESDAY
Birthday of A on THURSDAY
Question # 6
A girl 'A' told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen
in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.
If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
a) What is the color of the snake?
b) What is the length of the snake?
a) brown
b) 55
Question # 7
A man was on his way to a marriage in a car with a constant speed.
After 2 hours one of the tier is punctured and it took 10 minutes to replace it.
After that they traveled with a speed of 30 miles/hr and reached the marriage
30 minutes late to the scheduled time. The driver told that they would be
late by 15 minutes only if the 10 minutes was not waste.
Find the distance between the two towns?
Question # 8,9
these 2 are of logical deduction type. They gave a set of statements and asked
Questions, which have to be answered, based on the given statements. I am
not able to remember them.
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