1.paralance: * glance, discussion,equality, terminology.
2.cajole: *symp[athise,disagree,coax,insist * pot ential,possible,link,desirable.
4.obliterate: * eradicate,inappropriate,illiterare,elaborate.
5.exasperate: *tire,narrate,provoke,depress.
6.ramification: * collision,confusion,correction,consequence.
7.altercation: *substitute,option,controversy,change,
8.impase: *route,deadlock,unlikely,insignificant.
9.recapitulate: *summerise,remind,captivate,jumble
10.semblance: * mixture,association,quietness,appearance.
11.exonerate: testify,engender,accuse,inundate
12.sagacity: foolishness,secure,broad,illegal
13.commensurate: start,disproportionate,end,economic
14.nonchalant: anxious,courtious,honest,irrelevant
15.cryptic: hidden,essential,explicit,smooth,
16:rupture: break,continue,enthusiasm,happiness.
17.revocable: alterable,awakened,final,called upon.
18.slump: calm,safe,prosperous,waste,
19.translucent: clear,opaque,movement,efficient
20.dangle : sound,ornament,small,secure.
part:2 quantitative
21.series: 2, 7, 24,77, ----- ans: 248

22.code: oenir: brave cyrnfr :----------

23.1st and 2nd letters of a"parliamentarian" were interchanged.similarly 3rd and 4th, then 5th and 6 th .

so on continued.what would be the 14tjh letter from right.

24. (466)decimal= what is the number in base 7?

25.largesrt prime that can be stored in 8 bit computer. ans127

26. if n=68*12*51, whaich one is not a integer
1.n/102, 2.n/72, 3. n/153, 4.n/136 5. n/244

27.which one is the power of 3== 6245,6762,6074,6561,6178

28.odd out----1. mvs,2. windowsnt, 3. sybase 4. linux.

29.odd,2. smalltalk 3. eiffel 4. lisp

30 .in a triangle which one is not possible.sides are (5 ,5 ,5.), (5 ,4 ,5 ), (4 ,4, 9 ), (3,4 ,5,). vertices,edges, faces are given.which one among these best suits for the solid planner cube.
12, 8, 6 6 ,8 ,12 4 , 8, 12 8 ,12, 6

32.which one among have higher deviation:1. 7,0,-7, 7,0,-7 2. -7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7
3. 7,-7,7,-7,7,-7 4. 7,7,7,7,7,7

33. a& b can do a work in 14 days.if a does twice as much as work as b in a given time.find how
long a alone woukld take to do the work.

34.which one among is a singular matrix. 14 6 , -373 223 , 1 0 , 10 12
4 3 , 1865 -1115 , 1 2 , 3 4

35. match the box
a.scooter---automobile a.super set of
b.oxygen---water b.not a type of
c.shopfloorstaff----filters c.a type of
d. bug---reptile d.part of

36. if &=doubling and % means sign change then what is the output
&%&(5) - %&%(5)

37. asequence is defined recursively as f(0)= f(1) =1. f(n) =f(n-1)+f(n-2). what is the value of f(6)
38. what curve best suits for x y
0.99 .00001
10.04 1.02
99.98 1.997
1000 3.0
9990 4.004
39.a 2 dimensional array x(7,9) is stored linearly column wise in a computer memory.each element
requires 2 byte for storage of value.if the 1sr byte adrress of x(1,1) is 3000 what would be the last byte address of x(5,8).
40.which of the pair is orthogonal set. i+j, 3i+2j ,-7i+j, 2i-3j
41.solve m(373,11)+r(3.4)-t(7.7)+r(5.8) .where m=modulo arithmatic r=round off, t=truncation
42.3 independent mechanism a,b,c have been incorporatedf for fuel saving in a car producing respectively is 30%,20%,40% efficiency.assuming they operate independentely.what is net fuel efficiency achived.
43. x logx(base 10)
3.142 0.4972061807
3.143 0.4473443810 find log3.141(base 10)
44. temperature at mumvbai is f(t) =-t*t/6+4*t+12.where t=elapsed time since midnight.%rise or fall in temp between 5 pm &8pm. aircraft takes off from a(72degree N lat, 40degreeE long) at 2 am local time to b(32degree N lat,50degree Wlong).if the flyiong time is 10 hrs,what is the local timing of landing at b.
46 A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
what is the value of (AUB)n C.INTERPRET the resulting bit pattern as an integer in an 8bit computer
and write the decimal value.

47. A power cable is to be run from a power plant on the river bank 900m wide to a factory that is located 3000m downstream to the opposite bank.if the cost of laying cable under water is Rs 5/ per metre and that is laying overhead is Rs 4/ per metre .find the point downstream where the cable is to cut accros the river.

48. b g b d q m b g d m g b g g b q m b g q b g d g b a m g b g m
How many b 's are such that each b is followed by g next to it,if the g is not followed by d next to it.

49.pilots fly round trip from city x to y.
the trip takes 2hrs. and airline has one round trip flight in the morning ,one round trip in the afternoon ,each day from monday to friday.pilots must be scheduled in accordance with the following rules.
w , x, y can fly morning flights.
v,x,z can fly afternoon flightse,
no pilot can fly twice on the same day& on two consecutive days.
x must fly the wednesday morning flight
z must fly the tuesday afternoon flight.
a: which one is true?
1.w=monday morn flight
2.x=monday afternoon flight
3. y=tuesday morn flight.
4. w=thursday morn. flight.
5.z= thurs day afternoon
b: if x =fri morn.,then
1.xnot equal to mon after.
2. v fri after
3. w thurs morn
4.y = thurs morn
5 neither w or y flies thurs morn

c: if x one morning flight during the week
1w=exactly 2 days during the week
2 .x=exa.. 3 days during the week
3 y=1 day during the week
4.z=mon and fri afternoon
5 x= more times than v during thwe week.
52. astudent planning his curriculam for the upcoming semester must enroll 3 courses.
the available courses fall into one of the 5 general areas,math, eng, ss, sci, arts.
student must take courses from aty least two different areas
.if he take arts he cant take eng.
if he= sci then he=math(must)
he+math,then he=sci(must)
if he=ss,then he ==arts

a: not accepteable schedule
2 math & 1 sci
2 sci &1 math
2 arts &1 math
2 ss & 1 arts
1 ss & 2 arts

b:if math &eng then 3rd is
c:if sci then which pair would complete an acceptable schedule.
2 math
2 sci.
2 eng
1 sci 1 eng
1 math and 1 ss
55. j k l m n o q are ranked from first( lowest) to 7th (highest) not in order
First note in scale is O and last= Q
L is lower than M
N is lower than J
K is somewhere between J and M

a. If N is fifth on scalea which is true?
b. N and O are separated by exactly two notes on scale,The true one is
K is below M
K is between N and O
M is above N
c. If there two notes between K and N, then true is
L is between J and K
M is above J
L and M are separated by one note
58. In a five storeyed building,lower four storeys have two flats each and upper has a single flat
J K L M N O P Q R will adjust in the building,
Q and R = 3rd floor
P will stay lower than M
K will stay lower than N
K will stay lower than L
J and L will occupy rooms on the same floor
a. If M=2nd floor true is
J=5 N==5 J=4 K=2 O=1st (no: indicates floor)
b. Who will stay in the 1st floor?
c. K,M stay in the same floor,then they could stay accurately in
1st 2nd 4th 1st and 4th 2nd and 4th

volatile :
affinity :
agrarain :
abberation :deviation
augury :
connatation :
credibility :
coincident :
concomittaut :
compensation :
differential :
distention :bloat
detrimental :
echalon :
incentive: stimulating
innovation :change
intermittent :occassional, periodic
litigation :
latent :obvious
moratorium :
manifest :obscure
negotiate :bargain
orthodox :traditional
preparation :
reciprocal :
relevence :
vacillate :waver
ignorance :
aberration :
apparatus :
obression :
precipitate ;
volatile :
conciliation :
depreciation : devaluetion
liable :
37. Heterogeneous - dissimilar*, varied, imcommensurable
38. Liable - apt, inclined, subjectto,bound, responsible,
39. Adherance - Loyal support, allegiance, perseverance

3. Total balls=Z
Red balls = N
Remaining are black balls

% of black balls = Z-N * 100

7. cost = x Rs.

1st discount = y % of cost
2nd discount = z % of cost
price = x(1-y/100)(1-z/100)

12. 1/6 of 596/0.695
= (1*596*1000)/(6*695) Ans: 142

13. All dogs are cats
All rats are dogs

Ans: All rats are cats

14. (35-30+4)/(9-5+1) = ? Ans : 3

16. Salary S per month

1 type tax =x
2 type tax = y

Ans: % of tax = ((S-(x+y))/S)*100

4. Multiplication of two 3 digit numbers

Ans 3 digit * 3 digit = 5 or 6 digits

5. Add 3 digit and 2 digit number the first digit

Ans : a four digit number

6. A/B = C/D A & C are equal , B = D/2 or 2D

What should be the value of D so that the ratios are equal.

7. P = Total number of components

Q = Defective
What is the percentage of non-defective components

Ans: (P-Q)*100/P %

8. 0.512*large No. = ?
(Divide the given number by 2)

9. 10 balls bright 5 defective % defective
Ans : 5*100/10 = 50%

10. (10-5+4)/3 =? Ans 3
11. 33%of 450 = ? Ans 148.5
12. 10995+95=? Ans 11090
13. 127,119,128 Find prime number
Ans : 127
14. 6.29% of 2.8 = Ans 44
15. 0.398*456 = ?
16. 420%of 7.79 Ans 18 or 34.278( donno exactly)

17 -43+557+143 =657
18. 05352*05352 = 28542904



1. Salary S per month, Tax X% of the salary R% of the
salary is deducted. What is the income

Ans: S-XS/100 -RS/100
=S(1-X/100-R/100) = S((100-X-R)/100)

2. A+B>C

4 similar expressions will be given . Pick the correct
one using the above two expressions

3. All physicians are brown
All balancianns are physicians

4. B>A Then which expression gives the highest
(Several expression will be given)

X,Y--> Ans Kx+Ly

6. Y 15 10 11 -----
X 3 2 _______

a,b,c,d,e are related to certain expression which
expression will satisfy the above values

7. If two numbers A& B are same which one of the

following does not satisfy this

(i) (A*(B+2))/(B*(A+2))
(ii) (A*B)/B**2

8. H hours --> S salary

x hours --> medical leave

therefore sal/hour = ?

Ans S/(H-X)

9. x-bulbs, y-broken
The % of bulbs broken = Y/X * 100
then % of good bulbs = ( X-Y)/X *100
Adding X, Y

part A - Vocabulary(synonyms) 40 Questions
1. To merry, 2.To Alienate,3.To Solicit,4.To Heep,5.Cargo,
6.Momentary , 7.Volume, 8.To Veer, 9.To Admonish, 10.To Meager,
11.To lattitude, 12.Latent ,13. To Covet, 14. To Discretion,
15.Potential,16. To Emancipate, 17. To Wethargy,18. To Concur,
1:9.To Confiscate,20. To Dispel, 21. Baffle 22. Subsidise , 23.Misery
37.Bileaf, 38. Embrace, 39.Adhesive,40. Miserable

Critical Reasoning

1. My Father is only child to his Father. My father has three
sisters. All are married and have two children each. (state True or
False Or Can't be determined )
1.1 My Grand father has two sons
1.2 I am having six cousins
1.3 I have three uncle

Part B (15 Questions )

::1. Two Pencils 8 cents 5 Pencils cost ( Ans 20 cents)

2.A work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One of them alone can
do it in 40 minutes. How much time will the other person wiil take to
complete it ( 60 minutes)

3. A car is filled with 4.5 gallons of fuel for a round trip . Car
is taken 1/4 more than in going than coming up. What is the fuel
consumed in coming up ?

4. Low temperature at the night in a city is more than 1/2 high as
higher temperature are 100. Then What is low temperature (Ans 40)

5. Person who dicided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hrs
driving in a day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 miles/hour .
Due to traffic in sundays ,in return journey average speed is 30mph .
How far he can select a picnic spot ? (ans 120 miles)

6.A sales person multiplied by a number and get the answer 3. Instead
of that number divided by 3. What is the answer she actually has to
get (1/3) * 1 *3 =3 so the no= 1 divided by three. The answer =1/3

7. A ship started from port and moving with 'I' miles/hour and other
ship started From L and moving with 'H' miles/hour . At the place
where these two ships will meet.

8. A building with height D shadows up to G. A Neighbour building
with what height shadows C feet.

9. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another
person was also fined for exceeding the speed limit by twice the
same. If the second person was travelling at speed of 35mph . Find
the speed limit (ans. 15mph)

10. A bus started from the bus stand at 8Am and after staying 30
minutes at a destination return back to the bus stand. The
Destination is 27 miles from the bus stand . The Speed of the bus is
!8mph . In the return journey the bus travells with 50% fast speed.
At what time it is return to the bus stand (11am)

11. In a mixture R is two parts, S is one part . In order to mixture
how much R is to be added. Ans S is 25% of R

Paper type : On Campus

Year : 2003

1.If g (0)=g (1)=1

And g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n –2) find g (6);

2.A plane moves from 9˚N40˚E to
9˚N40˚W. If the plane starts at 10 am and
takes 8 hours to reach the destination, find the local
arrival time.

3. If log 0.317=……… and log 0.318=………. Then find the
value of log 0.319.

4.You will be given the bit position values for A, B
and C and using the relation (AΩB) u C you have
to construct the truth table. Then find the
corresponding decimal number and choose the right

5.Complete the sequence 9,10,11,13,15, __, 21,28.

6.In a certain format TUBUJPO is coded as STATION. The
code of which string is FILTER?

7. What is the code formed by reversing the First and
second letters, the third and fourth letters and son
on of the string SIMULTANEOUSLY?

8.The base 5 representation of the decimal number 2048
is _____.

9.Which is the largest prime number that can be stored
in a 9-bit register?

10.Find the physical quantity represented by MOMENTUM

11.A can do a piece of work in 20 days, which B can do
in 12 days. In 9 days B does ¾ of the work. How many
days will A take to finish the remaining work?

ANNA University-Campus Recruitment July2003

1. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each
element occupying 4 bytes of memory, with the address
of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the
address of X (8, 5).
ANS: 3212

2. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and
second, third and forth, forth and fifth, fifth and
sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter,
what would be the tenth letter from right?

2E. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and
second, third and forth, fifth and sixth words are
interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the
tenth letter from right?

3. What is the largest prime number that can be stored
in an 8-bit memory?
4. Select the odd one out. a. Java b. Lisp c.
Smalltalk d.Eiffel.
5. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d.
6. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c.
Ingress d. DB2
7. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d.
8. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c.SOLARIS
9. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c.SYBASE d.
10. The size of a program is N. And the memory
occupied by the program is given by M = square root of
100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1%
then how much memory now occupied?

11. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work
in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24 days. Woman can do
it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the
same work?
12. In which of the system, decimal number 194 is
equal to 1234?
13. Find the value of the 678 to the base 7.
14. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube

15. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
16. Find the value of @@+25-++@1..., where @ denotes
"square" and + denotes "square root".
17. Find the result of the following _expression if, M
denotes modulus operation, R denotes round-off, T
denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19

18. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be
coded as ---------

19. G(0)=-1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
20. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
21. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of
750 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to
power a plant opposite to that of the river and
1500mts away from the power unit. The cost of the
cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of
cable on the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total
of laying the cable.
22. The size of a program is N. And the memory
occupied by the program is given by M = square root of
100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1%
then how much memory now occupied?
23. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to
-t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed time. Find how
much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
ANS: 385.8(DB)
24. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills
at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A programmer
sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10
milliseconds. And response will be back to programmer
in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program takes to
get a response back to the programmer, after it
is sent?
25. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work
in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24 days. Woman can
do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do
the same work?
26. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First
vertex (1,1) ?s address is 1245 and then address of
(5,7) is ----------
27. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j
c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
ANS: (A)& (C).
28. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
29. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately
to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%.
What will be the fuel economy if they were used
ANS: 20%
30. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
ANS: (B). 2048
31. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63
ANS: 15,35
32. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, ---
ANS: -27
33. A, B and C are 8 bit no?s. They are as follows:
A 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ( (A-B) u C )=?
Hint :
A-B is {A} - {A n B}
ANS: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (DB)
A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction
and travels for 11 hours to reach the destination
which is in north west direction.Given the latitude
and longitude of source and destination. Find the
local time of destination when the flight reaches
ANS: 1:00 P.M
35. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B
can copy 70 papers in 10 hours. Then for how many
hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
ANS: 13
36. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work
together to complete a work in 7 days. Then find in
how many days A alone can complete the work?
ANS: 10.5 DAYS(11)
37. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient
than A. So hoW days does B take to finish the work?ANS
: 4DAYS.
38. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days
individually. If A works for only 6 days then how many
days should B work to complete A?s work?
ANS : 3.2 DAYS(4)
39. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle.
Find the one that is
impossible? (HINT : sum of smaller 2 sides is greater
than the other one which is larger)
40. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of
matrices?(Hint det(A)==0)
41. A 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element
requires 2 byte.If A[ 1,1
] is stored in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5] ?
ANS: 3106.
42. Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is
given. Find the pair of lines from the given set of
options which satisfy the above condition?
43. (a) 2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find
which of the above is orthogonal.
ANS : (A) & (C).
44. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance )
find units.
45. The number 362 in decimal system is given by
(1362)x in the X system of numbers find the value of X
a}5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
46. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign
then find the value of $%$6-%$%6
ANS : -72
47. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E
and landed 10 Hrs later at a place with coordinates
36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c)7:40 d)7:00
e)8:00 (Hint : Every 1 deg
longitude is equal to 4 minutes . If west to east add
time else subtract time)
ANS: (E) 8:00
48. Find the highest prime number that can be stored
in an 8bit computer.
49. Which of the following set of numbers has the
highest Standard deviation?

50. Match the following:
1. Male - Boy --->
a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon --->
b. A part of
3. Roof - Building --->
c. Not a
type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d.
A superset of
Ans: 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
51. Match the following.
1. brother - sister
---> a. Part of
2. Alsatian - dog --->
b. Sibling
3. sentence - paragraph --->
c. Type of
4. car - steering
---> d. Not a type
Ans. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d


1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how
(Ans:20 cents).
2. A work is done by the people in 24 min. one of
them can do
this work a lonely in 40 min. how much time required
to do the
work for the second person.
(ans:60 min.)
3. A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil
for full
trip. fuel is taken 1/4 gallons mor3 in going than
coming. what is
the fiel consumed in coming up? (2 gallons)
4. low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more
than 1/2
hinge as higher temperature in a day. sum of the low
temp and
higherst temp is 100C. then what is the low
temperature (40 C)
5. A person who decided to go weekend trip should not
exceed 8
driving in a day Average speed of forward journy is
40 mph. due
traffic in sundays, the return journey average speed
is 30 mph.
how far he can select a picnic spot (120 miles).

6. A sales person multiplied a number and get the
answer is 3,
instead of that number divided by 3. what is th
answer he actually
has to get ? (1/3).
7. A ship started from port and moving with I mph and
another ship
started from L and moving with H mph. At which place
these two
meet ? ( Ans is between I and J and close to J)

port G H I J K L

8. A building with hight D ft shadow upto G A
neighbour building
what height shadow C ft is (B ft.)


9. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit
by 10
person was also fined for exceeding the same speed
limit by twice
the same. If the second person was travelling at a
speed of 35
find the speed limit (15 mph)

10. A bus started from bustand at 8.00a m and after
30 min staying
destination, it returned back to the bustand. the
destination is
miles from the bustand. the speed of the bus 50
percent fast
at what time it retur4ns to the bustand (11.00) a mixture, R is 2 parts, S is 1 part. in order
to make S to
of the mixture, howmuch R is to be added ( one part).

12. wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for 80 miles how
much time
13. with 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with
1/3 full
how much distance travels ( 5 miles).

14. two trees are there. one grows at 3/5 of the
other. in 4
total growth of trees is 8 ft. what growth will
smaller tree will
have in 2 years. (<2ft)

15. A storm will move with a velocity of towords the
center in
hours. At the same rate how much far will it move in
(but Ans is 8/3 or 2 2/3).

Papers From Campus Recruitment atCalicut REC 1997

1. If two pencils cost 8 cents, then how much do 5
pencils cost?

Ans. 20 cents

2. Some work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One
of them can do this work alone in 40 minutes. How much
time does the second person take to do the same work ?

Ans. 60 minutes

3. A car is filled with four and half gallons of fuel
for a round trip.If the amount of fuel taken while
going is 1/4 more than the amount taken for coming,
what is the amount of fuel consumed while coming back?

Ans.2 gallons

4. The lowest temperature in the night in a city A is
1/3 more than 1/2 the highest during the day. Sum of
the lowest temperature and the highest temperature is
100 degrees. Then what is the low temp?

Ans.40 degrees

5. Javagal, who decided to go to weekened trip should
not exceed 8 hours driving in a day. The average speed
of forward journey is 40 miles/hr.Due to traffic on
sundays, the return journey's average speed is 30 m/h.
How far he can select a picnic spot?

a) 120 miles
b) between 120 and 140 miles
c) 160 miles

Ans. 120 miles

6. A salesperson by mistake multiplied a number and
got the answer as 3, instead of dividing the number by
3.What is the answer he should have actually got?

Ans. 3

7. A building with height D shadow upto G. What is the
height of a neighbouring building with a shadow of C

Ans. (C*D)/G

8. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by
10 mph. Another person was also fined for exceeding
the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second
person was travelling at a speed of 35 mph, find the
speed limit.

Ans. 15 mph

9. A bus started from bustand at 8.00am, and after
staying for 30 minutes at a destination, it returned
back to the busstand. The destination is 27 miles from
the busstand. The speed of the bus is 18mph. During
the return journey bus travels with 50% faster
speed.At what time does it return to the busstand?

Ans. 11.00am

10. In a mixture, R is 2 parts and S is 1 part. In
order to make S to 25% of the mixture, how much of R
is to be added?

Ans.One part of R

11. Wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for travelling 80
miles how much time does it require?

Ans. 2 hrs 45 mins

12. With a 4/5 full tank a vehicle can travel 12
miles, how far can it travel with a 1/3 full tank

Ans. 5 miles

13. There are two trees in a lawn. One grows at a rate
3/5 of the other in 4 years. If the total growth of
trees is 8 ft. What is the height of the smaller tree
after 2 years

Ans. 1 1/2 feet

14. Refer to the figure below.A ship started from P
and moves at a speed of I miles per hour and another
ship starts from L and moving with H miles per hour
simultaneously.Where do the two ships meet?


PG H I J K L are the various stops in between denoted
by || . The values g, h, i, j, k, l denote the
distance between the ports.

Ans. Between I and J, closer to J

15. If A is travelling at 72 km per hour on a highway.
B is travelling at a speed of 25 meters per second on
a highway. What is the difference in their speeds in

Ans. 1 m/sec


1. There are 150 weights .Some are 1 kg weights and
some are 2 kg weights. The sum of the weights is
260.What is the number of 1kg weights?

Ans. 40

2. A is driving on a highway when the police fines him
for overspeeding and exceeding the limit by 10
km/hr.At the same time B is fined for overspeeding by
twice the amount by which A exceeded the limit.If he
was driving at 35 km/hr what is the speed limit for
the road?

Ans. 15 kmph

3. A moves 3 kms east from his starting point . He
then travels 5 kms north. From that point he moves 8
kms to the east.How far is A from his starting point?

Ans. 13 kms

4. A car travels 12 kms with a 4/5th filled tank.How
far will the car travel with 1/3 filled tank?

Ans. 5 kms

5. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8.
When 18 is added to the number, the digits are
reversed. Find the number?

Ans. 35

6. The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers
is Rs.22 while the cost of five pencils, four pens and
two erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils,
three pens and three erasers cost?

Ans. 27

7. Fathers age is 5 times his son's age. 4 years back
the father was 9 times older than son.Find the
fathers' present age.

Ans. 40 years

8. What number should be added to or subtracted from
each term of the ratio 17 : 24 so that it becomes
equal to 1 : 2.

Ans. 10 should be subtracted

9. What is the 12th term of the series 2, 5, 8, ....

Ans. 35

10. If 20 men take 15 days to to complete a job, in
how many days can 25 men finish that work?

Ans. 12 days

11. In a fraction, if 1 is added to both the numerator
at the denominator, the fraction becomes 1/2. If
numerator is subtracted from the denominator, the
fraction becomes 3/4. Find the fraction.

Ans. 3/7

12. If Rs.1260 is divided between between A, B and C
in the ratio 2:3:4, what is C's share?

Ans. Rs. 560

13. A shopkeeper bought a watch for Rs.400 and sold it
for Rs.500.What is his profit percentage?

Ans. 25%

14. What percent of 60 is 12?

Ans. 20%

15. Hansie made the following amounts in seven games
of cricket in India: Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.21, Rs.12,
Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.17(all figures in crores of
course).Find his average earnings.

Ans. Rs.16 crore



1. 3 angles or 3 sides r given.Which will form a

2. units of basic quantities :

1. (energy * time * time )/(mass * dist) = distance

2. (momentum * velocity)/(force * time) = velocity

3.”&” is for doubling the value “%” is for change of
sign then what is the value

5-&%&5 Ans-30 (Check)

3. 58,27,12,x,2,1. Find x.

4. R-rounding off, M-modulus, T-truncate

M(893,10)+r( )+t( ) is asked

5.vertices edges and surfaces of a cube Ans-8,12,6

6.Sums on Recursive functions

7.Questions on General computer awareness

Pick the odd one…..

1.http 2.arp 3.snmp Ans-sap

1.linux NT 3.sql server 4.Unix Ans-Sql



8. Which of the following is a singular matrix.
(Determinant must be zero)

9. Aeroplane is flying at a particular angle and
latitude,after some time another latitude is given..(8
hrs later), u r asked to find the local time of the

10.a series of letters are given

how many Ws r followed by F and preceded by T.

11. 7,9,13,_,27,37. Ans-19

12.SURFW Code is translated as SHEET…..these kinda
ques r there…..

13.194 base 10 = ____ base 5 (1234)

14.Largest prime no. in a 6 bit,8 bit (Ans 127),9 bit

15.Venn Diagram kinda ques.

Some know English, some French,some German……how many
know two languages…..

16.Bar Diagram, Pie Chart (similar to Data

17.Code Interchanging, A word is given…. Letters are
reversed..u r asked to find the nth letter from right
or left….



18. Sums on logarithms, e power x curves.

19.n=68 x 12 x 51

Which of the follg is not an integer Ans- n/122

20.Which is a/not a power of 2 or 3.

Power of 4 Ans-4096

21. A-- 1 0 10 10 (Not exact values)

TCS Talent Test
> Time : 2 Hrs
> Part I English Synonyms etc. 34 Bits
> Part II Arthimatic 32 Bits
> Part III Critical Reasoning 12 Bits
> Total 78 Bits 2 Hours Duration.
> Part I and Part III are Multiple Choice Questions
and Patr II is
> the Blanks model.
> If your choice is B among A, B, C, D then put a
cross mark on B.
> i.e.
> IMPORTANT : Once you strike off the answer you
> So be careful in the first time. Not applicable for
fill up the
> PART I English Synonyms & Passages 34 Bits
> Nearly 20 Bits on Synonyms:
> 1. Clutch
> 2. Divergent
> 3. Veracity
> 4. Indigenous
> 5. Hamper
> Please go through Barrons GRE book -> High
Frequency Words List
> (especially all words starting with A and C.
But look all the
> nearly 300. Even 1 mark makes the difference. Don't
neglect. Hardly
> takes 2 hrs to remember them along with synonyms)
> Next two passages are given consisting of some
underlines in between.
> passage, its given some (7-8) sentences. We have to
choose the
> sentence and put it in the appropriate blank in the
main passage.
> Passage 1 is on Mind Power ( 8 blanks)
> Passage 2 is on Investing Shares in the Companies (
6 Balnks)
> Part II Arthimatic 20 Bits
> 1. 5,6,7,8,10,11,14, ?
> 2.
> | A | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
> | B | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0
> | C | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0
> | | | | | | | | |
> (AuB)nC = ? [ (A union B) intersection C = ?]
> 3. Find the Odd word .
> Java, Lisp, Smalltalk, Eiffel
> (One more wuestion of same type ? Oddman out)
> 4.
> M 100
> E
> M 70
> B 60
> E 50
> R Year
> S 95 96 97
98 99
> i ) Which year has maximum members growth?
> Two more questions on this. Please go
through Barrons
> data interpretation problems
> 5. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according
to -t^2/2 + 8t
+ 3
> (READ as : -t square /2 + ...), where t is elapsed
time. Find how
> temp. More or less in 4pm to 9pm. (May be we can
solve it by Definite
> Integration. Check any way)
> 6. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of
work in 6 days.
> can do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and
in howmany days
> can do the same work? ( Numbers are not correct.
Problem model is
> important)
> 7. What is the highest prime number that can be
stored in a 8-bit
> microprocessor?
> 8. In which of the system 384 is equal to 1234?
(Numbers are not
> Important is only problem model)
> 9. If D_MUQZM is coded as CENTRAL then RBDJK can
be coded as
> 10. The size of a program is N. And the memory
occupied by the
program is
> given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of
the program is
> by 1% then how much memory now occupied ?
> 11.
> English
> German
> 1. How many more or less
speak English than
> 2. What % people speak all the three languages?
> 3. What % people speak German but not English?
> 12. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket
fills at the rate of
> kb per millisecond. A programmer sends a program to
receiver. There
> waits for 10 milliseconds. And responce will be back
to programmer in
> milliseconds.
> Based on above information one question is there.
> 13. A power unit is there by the bank of the river
750 mts. A cable
> made from power unit to power a plant opposite to
that of the river
> 1500mts. The cost of the cable below water is Rs.
15/- per meter ansd
> of cable on the bank is Rs. 12/- per meter.
> Based on above information one question is there.
> 14. Match the following.
> i. brother ? sister a. Part of
> ii. alsecian ? dog b. Sibling
> iii. sentence ? paragraph c. Type of
> iv. d.
> 15. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory.
First vertex (1,1)
> address is 1245 and then address of (5,7) is
> 16. A Planar solid cube contains howmany vertices,
howmany corner
> and how many faces?
> Y
> 17. Which of the equation satisfies
the graph?
> 4 equations given.
> 3
> 18. Square of the <> is directly proportional
to the cube of
> <> . If the <> is 'a' and
<> is 'b'
> which one is correct?
> 4 options given like a square / b cube =const...
> Part III Critical reasoning
> 4 passages and each 3 questions.
> Passage 1 : Barrons GRE Analytical Ability
->Practice Excercise
> 7-11. ( passage is : The office staff of the XYZ
> edition page number 377.
> Any way Iam giving the passage for those who do not
have Barrons
> The office staff of the XYZ corporation
presently consists of
> book keepers (A, B and C) and five secretaries
(D,E,F,G, and H).
> is planning to open a new office in another city
using 3 secretaries
and 2
> book keepers of the present staff. To do so they
plan to seperate
> individuals who do not function well together. The
> were established to set up the new office.
> 1. Book keepers A and C are constantly finding
fault with one
> should not be sent as a team to the new office.
> 2. C and E function well alone but not as a team.
They should be
> seperated.
> 3. D and G have not been on speaking terms for
many months. They
> not go together.
> 4. Since D and F have been competing for
promotion, they should not
be a
> team.
> Questions :
> 1. If A is to be moved as one of the book keeper
which of the
> CANNOT be a possible working unit?
> a. ABDEH b. ABDGH c. ABEFH d. ABEGH e.
> ANS) b
> 2. If C and F are moved to the new office , how
many combinations
> possible?
> a. 1 b.2 c.3 d. 4 e. 5
> ANS) a
> 3. If C is sent to new office, which member of
the staff CANNOT go
> C?
> a. B b. D c. F d. G e. H
> ANS) b
> 4. Under the guidelines developed, which of the
following MUST go
> new office?
> a. B b. D c. E d. G e. H
> ANS) a
> 5. If D is going to the new office which of the
following is/are
> I. C cannot go
> II. A cannot go
> III. H must also go
> a. I only
> b. II only
> c. I and II only
> d. I and III only
> e. I, II, III
> ANS)d
> NOTE : Qustion paper contains project leads and
programmers not
> keepers and secretaries.
> Passage 2 : Barrons GRE Analytical Ability
->Practice Excercise
> 14-17. ( passage is : After months of talent
searching for an .....)
> 1996 edition page number 377.
> Any way Iam giving the passage for those who do not
have Barrons
> After months of talent searching for an
administrative assistant
> the president of the college the field of applicants
has been
> to five (A,B,C,D and E). It was announced that
finalist would be
> after a series of all-day group personal interviews
were held. The
> examining committee agreed upon the following
> 1. The interviews will be held once a week.
> 2. Three candidates will appear at any all-day
interview session.
> 3. Each candidate will appear atleast once.
> 4. If it is necessary to call applicants for
additional interviews,
> more than one such applicant should be asked to
appear the next week.
> 5. Because of the details in the written
applications, it was
> whenever candidate B appears, A should also be
> 6. Because of the travel difficulties, it was
agreed that C will
> for only one interview.
> Questions:
> 1. At the first interview, the following
candidates appear: A, B
> Which of the following combinations can be called
for the interview
to be
> held the next week?
> a. BCD b. CDE c. ABE d. ABC
e. ADE
> ANS) b
> 2. Which of the following is a possible
combinations for
> two consecutive interviews?
> a. ABC ; BDE
> b. ABD; ABE
> c. ADE; ABC
> d. BDE; ACD
> e. CDE; ABC
> ANS) c
> 3. If A, B and D appear at the interviw and D is
called for
> interview the following week, which the two
candidates may be asked
> appear with D?
> I. A
> II. B
> III. C
> IV. E
> a. I and II
> b. I and III only
> c. II and III only
> d. II and IV only
> e. III and IV only
> ANS)e
> 4. Which of the following correctly state(s) the
procedure followed
> the search committee?
> I. After the second interview, all appicants have
appeared atleast
> II. The committee sees each applicant a second
> III. If a third session is held it is possible fir
akk applicants to
> atleast twice.
> a. I only
> b. II only
> c. I and II only
> d. III only
> e. I and III only
> ANS)a
> Passage 3 is some thing like this. There are
> different conditions given.
> Passage 4 is like . A former planted trees in 4X4
rows. No of
> verieties are 6. Like red, green etc. Questions
based on these
> arragements.

This test consists of 50 questions. The Set Code for this paper is D.
1. The C language terminator is
(a) semicolon (b) colon (c) period (d) exclamation mark
2. What is false about the following -- A compound statement is
(a) A set of simple statements (b) Demarcated on either side by curly brackets
(c) Can be used in place of simple statement (d) A C function is not a compound statement.
3. What is true about the following C Functions
(a) Need not return any value (b) Should always return an integer
(c) Should always return a float (d) Should always return more than one value
4. Main must be written as
(a) The first function in the program (b) Second function in the program
(c) Last function in the program (d) Any where in the program
5. Which of the following about automatic variables within a function is correct ?
(a) Its type must be declared before using the variable (b) They are local
(c) They are not initialized to zero (d) They are global
6. Write one statement equivalent to the following two statements: x=sqr(a); return(x);
Choose from one of the alternatives
(a) return(sqr(a)); (b) printf("sqr(a)");
(c) return(a*a*a); (d) printf("%d",sqr(a));
7. Which of the following about the C comments is incorrect ?
(a) Comments can go over multiple lines
(b) Comments can start any where in the line
(c) A line can contain comments with out any language statements
(d) Comments can occur within comments
8. What is the value of y in the following code?
if(x=6) y=7;
else y=1;
(a) 7 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 6
9. Read the function conv() given below
conv(int t)
int u;
u=5/9 * (t-32);
What is returned
(a) 15 (b) 0 (c) 16.1 (d) 29
10. Which of the following represents true statement either x is in the range of 10 and 50 or y is zero
(a) x >= 10 && x <= 50 || y = = 0 (b) x<50
(c) y!=10 && x>=50 (d) None of these
11. Which of the following is not an infinite loop ?
(a) while(1)\{ ....} (b) for(;;){...}
(c) x=0; (d) # define TRUE 0
do{ /*x unaltered within the loop*/ ...
.....}while(x = = 0); while(TRUE){ ....}

12. What does the following function print?
func(int i)
if(i%2)return 0;
else return 1;
int =3;
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 2
13. How does the C compiler interpret the following two statements
(a) p= p+x; (b)p=p+xq=q+y; (c)p= p+xq; (d)p=p+x/q=q+y;
q=q+y; q=q+y;

For questions 14,15,16,17 use the following alternatives: b.char c.string d.float
14. '9'
15. "1 e 02"
16. 10e05
17. 15
18. Read the folllowing code
# define MAX 100
# define MIN 100
else if(x x=-1;
if the initial value of x=200,what is the value after executing this code?
(a) 200 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 50

19. A memory of 20 bytes is allocated to a string declared as char *s then the following two statements are executed:
what is the value of l ?
(a)20 (b)8 (c)9 (d)21

20. Given the piece of code
int a[50];
int *pa;
To access the 6th element of the array which of the following is incorrect?
(a) *(a+5) (b) a[5] (c) pa[5] (d) *(*pa + 5}

21. Consider the following structure:
struct num nam
int no;
char name[25];
struct num nam n1[]={{12,"Fred"},{15,"Martin"},{8,"Peter"},{11,Nicholas"}};
printf("%d%d",n1[2],no,(*(n1 + 2),no) + 1);
What does the above statement print?
(a) 8,9 (b) 9,9 (c) 8,8 (d) 8,unpredictable value

22. Identify the in correct expression
(a)a=b=3=4; (b)a=b=c=d=0; (c)float a=int b= 3.5; (d)int a; floatb;a=b=3.5;

23. Regarding the scope of the varibles;identify the incorrect statement:
(a) automatic variables are automatically initialized to 0 (b) static variables are are automatically initialized to 0
(c) the address of a register variable is not accessible (d) static variables cannot be initialized with any expression

24. cond 1?cond 2?cond 3?:exp 1:exp 2:exp 3:exp 4;
is equivalent to which of the following?
(a) if cond 1
exp 1;
else if cond 2
exp 2;
else if cond 3
exp 3;
else exp 4;
(b) if cond 1
if cond 2
if cond 3
exp 1;
else exp 2;
else exp 3;
else exp 4;
(c) if cond 1 && cond 2 && cond 3
exp 1 |exp 2|exp 3|exp 4;
(d) if cond 3
exp 1;
else if cond 2 exp 2;
else if cond 3 exp 3;
else exp 4;
25. The operator for exponentiation is
(a) ** (b) ^ (c) % (d) not available

26. Which of the following is invalid
(a) a+=b (b) a*=b (c) a>>=b (d) a**=b

27. What is y value of the code if input x=10
if (x==10)
else if(x==9)
else y=8;
(a)9 (b)8 (c)6 (d)7

28. What does the following code do?
fn(int n, int p, int r)
static int a=p;
case 4:a+=a*r;
case 3:a+=a*r;
case 2:a+=a*r;
case 1:a+=a*r;
(a) computes simple interest for one year (b) computes amount on compound interest for 1 to 4 years
(c) computes simple interest for four year (d) computes compound interest for 1 year

How many times does the loop occurs?
(a) infinite (b)5 (c)4 (d)6

30. How many times does the loop iterated ?
(a)10 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) None of these

31. What is incorrect among the following
A recursive function
(a) calls itself (b) is equivalent to a loop
(c) has a termination condition (d) does not have a return value at all
32. Which of the following go out of the loop if expn 2 becoming false
(a) while(expn 1)\{...if(expn 2)continue;} (b) while(!expn 1)\{if(expn 2)continue;...}
(c) do{..if(expn 1)continue;..}while(expn 2); (d) while(!expn 2)\{if(expn 1)continue;..\}

33. Consider the following program
unsigned int i=10;
How many times the loop will get executed
(a)10 (b)9 (c)11 (d) infinite

34.Pick out the odd one out
(a) malloc() (b) calloc() (c) free() (d) realloc()

35.Consider the following program
int a[5]={1,3,6,7,0};
int *b;
The value of b[-1] is
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) -6 (d) none

36. # define prod(a,b)=a*b
int x=2;
int y=3;
the output of the program is
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) None

37.Consider the following program segment
int n,sum=1;
case 2:sum=sum+2;
case 3:sum*=2;
If n=2, what is the value of sum
(a) 0 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) None of these

38. Identify the incorrect one
3.if(a 4.if(c==1)
(a) 1 only (b) 1&3 (c) 3 only (d) All of the above

39. The format specified for hexa decimal is
(a) %d (b) %o (c) %x (d) %u

40. Find the output of the following program
int x=5, *p;
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 0 (d) none of these

41.Consider the following C code
int i=3,x;
int func(int n)
static sum=0;
The final value of x is
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 3

43. Int *a[5] refers to
(a) array of pointers (b) pointer to an array (c) pointer to a pointer (d) none of these

44.Which of the following statements is incorrect
(a) typedef struct new
int n1;
char n2;

(b) typedef struct
int n3;
char *n4;

(c) typedef union
int n5;
float n6;
} UDT;

(d) #typedef union
int n7;
float n8;