COMPANY NAME : Infosys technologies ltd
DATE OF TEST : 8 th June 2003
MODE : Campus
They given 12 puzzles for 50 marks
Question # 1
Five people A ,B ,C ,D ,E are related to each other.
Four of them make one true statement each as follows.
(i) B is my father's brother.
(ii) E is my mother-in-law.
(iii)C is my son-in-law's brother
(iv)A is my brother's wife.
who made these statemens and what are the
relationships among them?
( 8 marks)
(i) D
(ii) B
(iii) E
(iv) C
Question # 2
fathers wife is reverse of son`s age . one year
back faters age was twice of son`s age . what`s the
fathers current age
ans : 73
Question # 3
An escalator is descending at constant speed.
A walks down and takes 50 steps to reach the
B runs down and takes 75 steps in the same time as
A takes 3 steps.
How many steps are visible when the escalator is
not operating?
Ans: ????
Question # 4
a man asks a weatherman what`s the past five days
temp? he says i didn`t remember but i can say their
product is 12 and all are diff temperatures. what are
the five temperatures?
ans: -2,-1,1,2,3
Question # 5
there are 100 men among them 80 have telephones and
70 have cars and some 75 have houses and 85 have
mobiles.(data is not exact) . what is the minimum
number of men that have all these things.?
Question # 6
there ia truck which should reach some place at
11`o clock , if it travels with 30 mph it reaches i
hour before , if it travles with 20 mph it reaches 1
hour late. what is the distance it must be travlled
and what is the speed it must maintain to rech at
exact time?
ans: 120 miles and 24 mph
Question # 7
there are some stones (may be 6231) with eqaul
weight, but one of them having more weight than
others,how many times we need to weigh to find that
overweigheted stone?
ans: 12 ( as per the number given there, that no of
stones i didn`t remember exactly).
Question # 8
two and half artists with two and half canvases and
two in two and half hours cvan paint two and half
drawings. how many artists are needed for 24 canvases
and 24 drawings in 20 hours?
ans :
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